Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Wishlist! 0:3

Christmas is FAST APPROACHING. Christmas is the time for GIVING.

By the way, if any of you wants to give me a present ( BWAHAHAHAHA! ), these are the things that I hope to receive:

1.) A PlayStation Portable

Yeah. I still don't have one of these babies. I'm broke. Hahaha.
2.) A DSLR Camera

That thing ( ^ ) is pretty expensive. I think the cheapest one costs 25k? I have seen one in a pawnshop. It only cost 19k. That's pretty cheap for a DSLR camera. 
3.) Cosplay Wig and Costume

I want to have a wig and a costume set for Len Kagamine. My friend will cosplay Gumi while I will cosplay Len. I can afford to buy one but since I am saving up my money to buy a PSP, the wig and the costume would have to be 2nd on my list. So PUHLEASE!!!! HEEEEELP! ^^V

4.)Apple Ipad

Everyone wants to have one. It's cool. :)

5.) A LOVER!!!! 

I don't know anyone who doesn't want to have a partner. It's very nice to hear whenever someone asks you if you already ate your lunch, did you arrive at your house already or calls you hubby. It feels very good when you know someone really loves you and cares for you. :(

6.) Good Grades!

Does it feel good to see a 90+ grade on your report card? It's a very good feeling to see the smile of your parents whenever they child receive a good grade on their report cards because they know that all of their hard work are paying off. <3 you parents! :)

7. Admirers

If I can't get my 5th wish ( which is a lover ) then, admirers will do. :)

8.) Good Health for Me and my Family

The title says it all. o_O

9.)New Friends

I have a LOT of friends and that's a good thing but, having new friends is better. If I have to choose, I wish to have REAL friends from South Korea, Japan and China. Asians are COOL!!!


I can't think of anyone who doesn't want to have money. :)

That's pretty much my Christmas Wishlist. Anyone who reads this has to give me all of my wishes. Bwahahahahaha! 


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